

button it up

Buttons are versatile (not just for securing one bit of fabric to another!), and this is the latest way I have been using them. I got the ring pieces for around $5 ea, superglued a fabric covered button and then another on top. Easy peasy finger accessories.

You would think the world was ending with the state of the supermarket today, at the second one I visited (no parking at the first) I couldn't get a trolley, had little to choose from on the shelves and spent more time in the queue than in the aisles. With my little basket of food I was part of the minority as most people had more than one trolley. It was panic shopping at the disco for the on-coming snow storm. A fellow basket-person behind me assumed it may be a grocery/metservice conspiracy in an attempt to bump profits. Interesting theory.

Looking for some toe tapping jive funk? You may have heard it, but crank it up and get your groove on for your saturday night.

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