For the second time this winter I have a cold.
The first time around I tried to continue on with life and not let the cold get me down. I was pig-headed, I went to work, I kept drinking coffee, I had early showers. In response to this behaviour, the cold hovered around for two weeks, and then stayed a little bit longer just as a lingering cough.
This time, I'm frustratingly letting the cold force me into bed and am dosing up on immunity support in the hope that if I give the cold my weekend then maybe it won't stay around for as long this time. I struggle with this as I'm not very good at sitting around and not 'achieving' anything. C is making it as easy as possible for me to be lazy, with breakfast and endless supply of hot drinks brought to me in bed, not to mention, my laptop, reading material and the opening and closing of curtains.
Due to the mass snot production that is my focus at the moment I haven't brought myself to do any crafty activities. Life is more about the timing of sneezes and the containment of germs in my tissues.
Wendyl Nissen has a cold potion in her book which I'm nervous about trying - she warns that it is DISGUSTING and should be taken with whiskey to make it easier to consume. I don't have any whiskey!
This is Wendyl's recipe:
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
pinch cayenne pepper
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon of honey
juice of half a lemon
Boil the water, ginger, cayenne, and garlic for one minute. Remove from heat and add honey and lemon juice. Cool then hold your nose, close your eyes and drink. Should give relief from cold symptoms for 3 hours.
Do I dare? Does anyone have any other concotions for me to try?
Tried the cold potion, it burned on the way down but felt the beneficial effects not long after! Recommend for fellow sufferers.