

DIY upcycle wool blanket cushion

This DIY cushion is a really basic way of upcycling the quality old wool blankets that you can find at nearly any secondhand store. I got an enormous one from the Sallies store for $4. For the applique you can use an iron-on adhesive to hold it in place however I chose to just pin mine which meant the elephant is a bit puffy.

What you need:
Wool blanket
Coloured thread to match the felt, needle
Sewing machine & thread to match wool blanket
Paper scissors
Fabric scissors

Step 1

Find an image that you like that has very few fiddly bits. Search for silhouettes to find nice simple images. I picked this elephant. Print out the image and cut it out. Note: You can always skip the first two steps if you want to free-hand a design onto the felt with chalk.

Step 2

Pin your cut out to a piece of felt in your chosen colour then cut out the shape.

Step 3

Cut out your cushion pieces. I used a strip around 60cm wide and 120cm long. This will make a rather large cushion. I suggest you get your cut out shape and place it on the blanket then measure an appropriate size cushion relative to the size of your cut out. Pin your cut out in place on the right side of the cushion. If you are going to use an adhesive here, this is where you would do it.

Step 4

Get your matching thread and your needle and blanket stitch all the way around your shape. This is why you don't want too many fiddly bits on your shape as it could prove tricky!

Step 5

Turn your cushion wrong side out and fold over so you have a square. Pin your sides together ready for sewing. Make sure you mark a gap on one side where you will leave it open for stuffing.

Step 6

Sew your sides together and then turn the cushion right side out so you have your (almost finished) square. Now for the fun bit! Grab handfuls of hobby fill and stuff through the gap you have left. There is no rule here on how much you stuff in but do make sure it is pushed right into the corners. Fold in the rough seams of your little gap and sew together. Depending on the capability of your sewing machine you may need to hand sew this part as it's pretty chunky. You're done!